Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Making a Living as an Artist
Heidi, very good question. I am liking it because I have a head full of ideas -- more than I can keep up with! There have been frustrations, especially with the sudden down turn in the economy. This is a highly respected arts and crafts community, which is just one of the reasons for moving here. But, as with many other tourist areas, the gas prices severely stifled business. So, in that respect, it's been hard to get started building revenue. However, the tremendous drop in gas and the coming of the holidays are having a very positive impact on our number of visitors. In turn, I have sold more cards this month than the last five months combined. That is very encouraging! I'm hoping that the photography will take off soon, also.
I am not about to give up. My husband took an over-the-road trucking job for the pay so I can continue to strive for success. Once my products start to get into the hands of others word begins to spread, but that does take time. I will be going online with Etsy, for one and with other stock photo sites. Again, I need to be prepared for a slow start. As for the photography, there are a variety of outlets for that, including self-publishing a book.
So, that is the long answer to Heidi's question. The short answer is that I love it, it takes a lot of time, and I need to be patient.
Heidi has also started to put her terrific art on line at Cafe Press. I would love to get input and discussion from any of you who have taken the path of working artist, and I'm sure Heidi would, too.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I've been tagged!
I have been tagged by Myrt! Thank you Myrt! Myrt-aka-Marion can be found over at Myrt's Card-O-Craft. She makes beautiful cards and is delightful lady. Be sure to pay her a visit and leave a comment. She loves visitors!!
Here are the rules!
1. Link your tagger and list the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of the post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Here are 7 facts about me...
1. I have green eyes and only recently found out that is the rarest eye color.
2. My fingers are long but my toes are short -- both are blessed with very strong nails.
3. My legs are short but my torso is long -- both now blessed with plenty of padding :-(
4. Our ancestry can be traced back to Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, but I didn't inherit the poetry gene --- I rarely write a card sentiment.
5. Though I used to fly quite often, I developed an aversion to it over the years --- OK, the truth is I now have major panic attacks. But if I ever get the nerve back up I would love to visit Norway and England.
6. I am half Norwegian and a lot English, thus the reasons I'd like to visit those countries.
7. Finally, my life-long dream has been to make a living in art and I am in my first year of that endeavor: paper crafts, photography, and writing (not poetry).
Next I should tag 7 more people, but I am going to bend the rules a bit. This is one of the more popular memes right now, so I will ask each reader (even you blurkers out there!) to write something about yourself in a comment. It will be fun to learn something new about everyone and meet new bloggers.
Enjoy your week and, to my American friends, make sure you get out and vote on Nov. 4!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
An Award From A Delightful Lady!

I love surprises! Today I logged on to find this wonderful surprise! A delightfully creative lady, Carolyn, over at P.M.S. etc. sent me this lovely fall tribute. She makes beautiful cards, often featuring the cutest little house mouse. Carolyn is also such a fun gal. Her posts always make me laugh. Obviously a woman who loves life and loves to blog, I am happy to have her as one of one blogging buddies.
Please visit her blog. While you are there congratulate her on the other beautiful award she received and take a look at her work. Carolyn has also recognized many other creative bloggers, so link into them, as well. My list of "Talented Papercrafters" grows daily because I find so much inspiration from others.
Thank you, Carolyn! You made my day!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Autumn Cards Using SC195 and SC197
I still have paper and sketches that I want to use, so I'll be moving on to Thanksgiving cards, but not for long. Christmas is fast approaching and those are my favorite cards to make. Oooo, I just get giddy looking at my new stamps and papers and sketches. There are already so many beautiful cards made by talented papercrafters out there.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Happy Autumn Cards

Here are a couple more autumn cards. The scrolls are Cuttlebug dies and cut from gold metallic cardstock. They add quite a touch of shimmer to the cards. These cards, like the ones in the last post, have no sentiments inside, but a blank card for writing a personal note.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Celebrate Fall Colors

Sunday, October 5, 2008
More Halloween Cards

Friday, October 3, 2008
Halloween Dress Up